Sunday, April 10, 2011

Concealing A Pimple

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There is nothing worse than discovering that dreaded huge pimple! Just as well there are some ways to disguise or somewhat hide it. What you might do about it may vary to some extent as to whether you are a boy or girl, but just use what ever you are comfortable with.

The most common way to disguise acne is to quite simply apply make up matching the color of your skin. There are various types so just find what you are most comfortable with. But, on the other hand, most boys probably won’t be very comfortable with this, so just as well there is another trick to try.

As I mention in the previous blog, a product called “Ungvita” is a great product used to help heal skin. First apply a thin layer of Ungvita (found in most chemists or drug stores) to the affected area. But it is important to make sure that first of all the wound is not broken (as this will ooze plasma (clear blood) once you are finished), but at the same time, does not have a course scab. Next you will want to buy yourself some skin (same tone as yours) colored zinc cream. Gently apply it over the affected area, and if all goes well, you should be able to get a relatively unnoticeable cover over the pimple. This can be a bit of an art in itself. Wipe the surrounding edges off gently to get an even tone and color contrast. (I myself actually invented this technique).

Just applying Ungvita to all affected areas by itself will also lessen the harsh visual impact of acne, as well as the redness, while healing the skin speedily.

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