Sunday, March 27, 2011

Preventing Acne

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We’ve all heard the phrase “Prevention is better than a cure”, so learning how we can apply that in regard to acne treatment is the best way to go. There are plenty of different methods out there to help cure acne, but wouldn’t it be nice to just eradicate it all together! This particular blog is dedicated to giving you practical methods of acne prevention.

The most important thing you can do is keep your face clean. Wash regularly, but not too much, as this can strip your face of good bacteria. What you are focusing on here is keeping your pores in your skin clear, as acne and pimples develop as a result of a clogged pore. Dirt and excess oil is usually responsible for this. So on top of good personal hygiene, you also need to watch what you eat and drink, since this greatly influences the amount of oil your skin will be producing. The biggest killers here are fatty, deep fried foods, burgers for example. Chocolate also is one of the worst foods you can eat.

But one thing I will now mention, noted from another outside source, is the importance of not drinking soft drink. If possible, avoid it all together. It has been mentioned as the single worst thing you can possibly consume in regard to avoiding acne. This is because of all the numerous chemicals it contains. This can send your hormones haywire, and unbalances in hormone levels is a killer ingredient for acne breakouts.

Another method you can try is regularly applying olive oil to your face. This type of oil does the opposite to just about what all others do. It keeps your face smooth, and helps keep pores unblocked.

One final and important thing, never ever touch your face with your hands. And if you do, wash immediately. When you place your hands on you face, you basically spread germs and bacteria all over you skin.

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