Sunday, April 10, 2011

Concealing A Pimple

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There is nothing worse than discovering that dreaded huge pimple! Just as well there are some ways to disguise or somewhat hide it. What you might do about it may vary to some extent as to whether you are a boy or girl, but just use what ever you are comfortable with.

The most common way to disguise acne is to quite simply apply make up matching the color of your skin. There are various types so just find what you are most comfortable with. But, on the other hand, most boys probably won’t be very comfortable with this, so just as well there is another trick to try.

As I mention in the previous blog, a product called “Ungvita” is a great product used to help heal skin. First apply a thin layer of Ungvita (found in most chemists or drug stores) to the affected area. But it is important to make sure that first of all the wound is not broken (as this will ooze plasma (clear blood) once you are finished), but at the same time, does not have a course scab. Next you will want to buy yourself some skin (same tone as yours) colored zinc cream. Gently apply it over the affected area, and if all goes well, you should be able to get a relatively unnoticeable cover over the pimple. This can be a bit of an art in itself. Wipe the surrounding edges off gently to get an even tone and color contrast. (I myself actually invented this technique).

Just applying Ungvita to all affected areas by itself will also lessen the harsh visual impact of acne, as well as the redness, while healing the skin speedily.

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Heal Pimples Fast!

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If you have been graced with the presence of a big red nasty pimple, and are desperate to get rid of it fast, then there are a few things that you definitely need to do and don’t do, as soon as possible. What you don’t do is possibly even more important than what you actually do to get rid of it.

When you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and see that horrid red blotch, first reaction you might naturally have is to pick and squeeze it away. Unfortunately, as you already know, that doesn’t work. All it accomplishes is the making of a redder and even angrier pimple. First thing you should do: wash the affected area with plenty of soap. Now this next step you may want to avoid if you need your face on display for the next few hours.

Get yourself a cotton wool bud, and a container of salt. Soak the cotton wool bud in warm water, then literally pour the salt on it, then firmly hold it on the affected area. Now this may kill for the first short while, but just remember that this is also killing the pimple. Hold it there for at least 3 minutes. Afterwards, rinse the pimple again with water and soap, then thoroughly dry the whole area.

Next step is to apply toothpaste to the pimple. The thicker and longer you have it on there, the better. Putting it on right before you go to bed is usually a good idea. This helps to neutralize the infection. In my case, it once worked so fast, that the skin healed straight over the top of the pimple while it was still there underneath! Once you have stopped the infection, apply a product called “Ungvita” to the affected area about twice a day. You can find this in a tube container from any local chemist or drug store.

Applying all these methods, you could reduce the healing time of acne from a matter of weeks down to days!

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Preventing Acne

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We’ve all heard the phrase “Prevention is better than a cure”, so learning how we can apply that in regard to acne treatment is the best way to go. There are plenty of different methods out there to help cure acne, but wouldn’t it be nice to just eradicate it all together! This particular blog is dedicated to giving you practical methods of acne prevention.

The most important thing you can do is keep your face clean. Wash regularly, but not too much, as this can strip your face of good bacteria. What you are focusing on here is keeping your pores in your skin clear, as acne and pimples develop as a result of a clogged pore. Dirt and excess oil is usually responsible for this. So on top of good personal hygiene, you also need to watch what you eat and drink, since this greatly influences the amount of oil your skin will be producing. The biggest killers here are fatty, deep fried foods, burgers for example. Chocolate also is one of the worst foods you can eat.

But one thing I will now mention, noted from another outside source, is the importance of not drinking soft drink. If possible, avoid it all together. It has been mentioned as the single worst thing you can possibly consume in regard to avoiding acne. This is because of all the numerous chemicals it contains. This can send your hormones haywire, and unbalances in hormone levels is a killer ingredient for acne breakouts.

Another method you can try is regularly applying olive oil to your face. This type of oil does the opposite to just about what all others do. It keeps your face smooth, and helps keep pores unblocked.

One final and important thing, never ever touch your face with your hands. And if you do, wash immediately. When you place your hands on you face, you basically spread germs and bacteria all over you skin.

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Acne Treatment

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If you have arrived at this page and have an acne condition, then this information I have specifically written for you. Not so long ago when I was a teenager, this condition affected me (although acne still very commonly affects adults even up into their 30's). I am totally aware of not only the physical and visible side effects, but also, and more importantly, the mental and emotional problems that it can cause, including a damaged self esteem.

But, possibly just like you, I did nothing about it, stuck my head in the sand and just hoped that it would go away soon. News flash. You are most likely stuck with this problem for at least another few years. Maybe even 10 more years. UNLESS YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

Don't waste these valuable and happy years of your life putting up with acne! Don't be like me for years and tell yourself "it will go away in the next 2 weeks, maybe a month". It won't. All you need to do is step slightly out of your comfort zone and consider your options. You need to take action, or Mother Nature will. Trust me, why wait to fix this problem, when you may as well do it now, before you waste anymore time!

Now, if your acne condition is only slight, simple do-it-yourself remedies from home may improve the problem. In fact i'll share some with you that worked for me. The two things that I commonly did before I took the slightly more drastic measure to permanently get rid of my acne was using toothpaste and a product called "Ungvita". Applying toothpaste the affected area just before you go to bed (without rinsing it off) actually does help in the initial stage of the pimple's healing process while it is still infected. In some cases, it actually halved the time that the pimple was infected (down from about 4-6 days to as low as 2 days), but still those results were wishy-washy.
Ungvita, found in your local chemist or drug store is a great product used specifically for all types of skin damage. Now at first, during the initial stage while the pimple is infected, it will be useless since your body is still fighting the infection and not yet in the healing process (this is where the toothpaste comes in). Once the pimple has settled somewhat (no signs of puss or any other disgusting fluids), start applying a thin layer of Ungvita to the affected area. First of all, it will reduce the redness and the sharp visual eye-sore. Second, the acne will start to heal very rapidly, sometimes twice as fast as usual, sometimes maybe only 25% faster.

Between these two methods, I reduced my acne healing time from about 3 weeks down to about 8-10 days, sometimes even faster, depending on the type of pimple.

Everything that I write here is all 100% from my personal experience. If you have been suffering with acne for months, or even years, these do-it-yourself from home remedies over all do not STOP the problem. You need the determination or maybe even the courage to pull your head out of the sand and DO something about it. Remember, the physical, mental, emotional, social and self esteem problems are not worth it and you do not have to deal with it if you don’t want to. Unfortunately, that means in some cases spending lots of money on products, creams, drugs, etc. That’s what I did. I spent lots of money on expensive creams and medication. And you know what, it worked!! Never again has acne tried to ruin my life. BUT... YOU may not need to do this. Especially if your acne condition is not too overly severe.

The BEST way to tackle the problem with acne is to try new and slightly more intense methods each time if the previous one fails, of course, spending the least amount of money possible. So don't jump straight into an expensive doctor's prescription drug program. Chances are, you do not have acne that bad, plus they almost always have very negative side effects on your overall health. For example, Roacatin, usually a prescription drug which is very harsh and will most likely even do some damage to your body's organs.

I can personally recommend this CHEAP eBook which will tell you everything about acne. Causes, and every treatment under the sun, the ones that do and don't work, even dieting. And remember, this is written by professionals, not one of the many "health care dummies", including myself, out there writing other blogs similar to this one. IT IS CHEAP, and it should be the first step you take in eradicating your acne forever. Don't waste more time reading more unreliable information plastered all over the internet by people who aren't health care professionals.

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